Buy & sell a practice

Looking to start your own optical practice?

Below you will find listings of Eyebenefit practices that are currently on sale.
Please contact us if you are interested in any of our current listings or on the search for a practice in a certain location. If we do not have any practices that match your search criteria or location, we can keep your details on file for future listings.

Want to advertise your optical practice? Please reach out to us.

Current listings

Practice for Sale: Image Eyewear

Location: Brisbane, Yeronga

Practice Overview:

Image Eyewear is the only independent practice in Yeronga. The practice prides itself on exemplary customer service offering our clients a full eyewear styling journey coupled with exceptional eyecare.

The practice has been is successful for several years and has a great local reputation which has grown since the current owner acquired it.

Located in a small local shopping center, the practice offers quality products and services from an easily accessible street frontage location. There is plenty of parking and visibility.

Image Eyewear has a strategy based around quality care and products. The focus on spectacles is based around high quality and individual brands that are hard to find in the larger practices. The practice has an excellent appearance and is well equipped.

For more information please contact:
Mark Overton
Ideology Consulting
0409 233 901

Practice for Sale: Southside Eyewear Optometrist

Established: 1987
Location: Brisbane, Southside

Practice Overview:

  • Two optometrist rooms: one fully equipped for exams, the other dedicated to testing and colour vision.
  • Exclusive provider of IRO colour lenses and colour vision testing in the Brisbane area.
  • Robust patient base of 3,659.
  • If a non-optometrist buyer, our current optometrist is happy to stay on board.
Unique Selling Points:
  • Long-standing establishment with a solid reputation.
  • Exclusive services in colour vision testing and IRO colour lenses.
  • Loyal patient base ensuring steady income.
  • This is a unique opportunity to own a well-established optometry practice with a niche market in colour vision services.
For more details or to arrange a viewing, please contact us on
(07) 3892 5770
Want to find out more? Email us for more details.